Desiree Figueroa Pleads Guilty to 2019 Murder of Pregnant Teen
As part of her plea deal, Figueroa will testify against her mother in the upcoming trial.
- Desiree Figueroa, 29, has pleaded guilty to first-degree murder for her role in the 2019 killing of pregnant teen Marlen Ochoa-Lopez.
- As part of her plea deal, Figueroa has agreed to testify against her mother, Clarisa Figueroa, in her upcoming first-degree murder trial.
- Prosecutors allege that the Figueroas lured Ochoa-Lopez to their home with the promise of free baby clothes, strangled her, and cut her unborn baby from her womb.
- The baby, posthumously named Yovani Lopez, died two months later from severe brain damage.
- Clarisa Figueroa's boyfriend, Piotr Bobak, who was tricked into believing he was the baby's father, has already been sentenced to four years in prison for obstruction of justice.