Dentist Sued for Alleged Malpractice Involving Excessive Procedures in One Visit
Patient Kathleen Wilson claims significant injuries due to negligent treatment, including an unsafe dosage of anesthesia and falsified medical records.
- Kathleen Wilson, a Minnesota woman, has filed a lawsuit against her dentist, Dr. Kevin Molldrem, alleging that he performed eight dental crowns, four root canals, and 20 fillings in a single visit, causing her significant injuries.
- Wilson claims that Molldrem administered nearly double the recommended dosage of anesthesia during the procedure and falsified her medical records to hide this fact.
- Dr. Avrum Goldstein, a Florida dentist who reviewed Wilson's case, stated that it is 'impossible' to correctly perform the number of procedures Wilson underwent in a single visit.
- Wilson had to seek additional dental care to correct the alleged damage caused by Molldrem's treatment, and she is suing for at least $50,000 in damages.
- If all of Wilson's teeth need to be replaced with implants, all of Molldrem's work and the associated expenses will have been in vain, according to Goldstein.