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Democrats Mobilize to Counter Bipartisan 2024 Bid Amid Fears of Spoiling Biden Reelection

  • Democratic strategists met with former Republicans to discuss subverting a potential third-party presidential bid by No Labels, a nonprofit group working to qualify a new party for state ballots.
  • No Labels aims for an independent bipartisan ticket if major parties nominate "unacceptable" candidates, worrying Democrats that it could foil Joe Biden's second term hopes.
  • Though No Labels has not named any potential nominees and says it will abandon the effort if polling shows no path to victory, Democrats are taking legal action to thwart its ballot access drives in all 50 states.
  • Attendees at the strategizing meeting included current Biden advisers, former senators, and representatives of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project.
  • Democrats contend any third-party bid has no chance and will only result in Trump's election.
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