Deleted Titanic Scene Revealed: Cora’s Heartbreaking Drowning Cut Due to Audience Reaction
Former child star Alex Owens-Sarno shares details about a cut Titanic scene depicting her character's tragic death, which was removed after test audiences found it too distressing.
- Alex Owens-Sarno, who played Cora in Titanic, discussed a deleted scene showing her character's drowning during a recent podcast appearance.
- The scene, which featured Cora and her family trapped as water flooded the ship, was described as emotionally intense and was cut after test audiences found it overwhelmingly upsetting.
- Director James Cameron initially wanted to keep the scene, but it was ultimately removed after feedback, particularly from mothers, who rejected the idea of watching the young character die.
- The deleted scene is now available online and showcases Owens-Sarno performing her own stunt, which she credits as igniting her passion for acting.
- Owens-Sarno reflected on her time on set with Leonardo DiCaprio, her experience as a child actor, and her later decision to pursue acting again as an adult.