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Declining Vaccination Rates Raise Concerns Over Preventable Diseases in Germany

Health experts warn that falling immunization coverage for diseases like polio, measles, and diphtheria could lead to a resurgence of severe illnesses.

  • Vaccination rates in Germany have dropped, with only 21% of one-year-olds fully immunized against polio and 64% against diphtheria by 15 months of age.
  • Experts attribute the decline to delayed vaccinations, misinformation, and pandemic-induced skepticism about vaccine effectiveness.
  • Diseases like polio, measles, and diphtheria, which were largely controlled, could reemerge with serious complications if immunization rates continue to fall.
  • Certain populations, including those from educationally disadvantaged households or without regular access to healthcare, are particularly hard to reach for vaccination efforts.
  • The Robert Koch Institute highlights a significant increase in measles cases, from 15 in 2022 to 636 in 2024, underscoring the risks of even slight decreases in vaccination coverage.
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