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Daniel Günther Named New Grünkohlkönig at Berlin Tradition

The CDU politician and Schleswig-Holstein's Ministerpräsident succeeds Defense Minister Boris Pistorius in the symbolic role at the Oldenburger Grünkohl-Essen.

  • Daniel Günther (CDU), Ministerpräsident of Schleswig-Holstein, was crowned the new Grünkohlkönig at the Defftig Ollnborger Gröönkohl-Äten in Berlin.
  • The annual event, held since 1956, celebrates Oldenburg's regional traditions and serves as a networking platform for political and cultural figures.
  • Outgoing Grünkohlkönig Boris Pistorius (SPD) was unable to attend the ceremony due to European-level obligations, marking an unusual absence for the title handover.
  • The event featured 200 kilograms of kale and traditional dishes like Pinkel, Kassler, and Speck, all served in bio-quality, alongside the customary Löffeltrunk schnapps.
  • The symbolic title aims to promote Oldenburg's cultural heritage and requires the reigning Grünkohlkönig to visit the city during their tenure.
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