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Damning Report Exposes Systemic Failures in Scotland’s Largest Health Board

Healthcare Improvement Scotland identifies toxic workplace culture, unsafe practices, and leadership deficiencies at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, with pledges for reform underway.

  • The HIS report confirmed a 'serious breakdown' in staff-management relationships at NHSGGC, negatively impacting patient care and staff wellbeing.
  • Widespread use of corridor care and ambulance stacking at emergency departments, particularly at QEUH, was deemed 'unacceptably normalised' and unsafe.
  • Staff described the working environment as 'brutal' and 'inhumane,' with reports of bullying, poor professional behaviors, and low morale contributing to distress and potential patient harm.
  • The report outlined 30 recommendations for NHSGGC and 11 for the Scottish Government, including addressing overcrowding, improving staff morale, and fostering respectful leadership.
  • NHSGGC leadership, under new management, and the Scottish Government have pledged to implement reforms to rebuild trust and improve conditions.
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