Crumbley Trial Sparks Legal Debate and Calls for School Accountability
As the Crumbley parents face sentencing, controversy over proffer agreements and demands for school reforms highlight the case's wider impact.
- Prosecutors defend the use of proffer agreements with school officials in the Crumbley trials, stating no immunity was granted and no promises were made.
- Defense attorneys argue that the agreements should have been disclosed to the Crumbleys' lawyers, citing potential impacts on witness credibility.
- The Families for Change, representing parents of the victims, call for school accountability and the removal of Oxford School District board members.
- Michigan has passed new gun safety laws in 2023, including criminalizing failure to secure a gun if it ends up in a minor's possession.
- James and Jennifer Crumbley, parents of the shooter, were found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and face up to 15 years in prison each.