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Coldplay's Concert in Indonesia Sparks Protests Over Band's LGBT Support

Despite opposition from conservative Muslim groups, the concert sells out with over 70,000 tickets sold in hours.

  • Hundreds of conservative Muslims protested outside Coldplay's first concert in Indonesia, clashing with police and booing concertgoers over the band's support for the LGBT community.
  • The protesters, organized by the Islamist group 212 Brotherhood Alumni, held signs that said: 'Reject, cancel and disband Coldplay concerts,' as they clashed with police officials.
  • The Indonesian Ulema Council, Indonesia's most powerful Islamic regulatory body, criticized the decision to go on with the show, questioning whether the LGBT behavior is in line with the country's constitution.
  • Despite the protests, Coldplay's concert was popular in the country, with more than 70,000 tickets sold in less than two hours when sales opened in May.
  • The band has not commented on the protests but it posted several video clips from the Jakarta show, calling it 'one of the best nights ever' and telling its many Indonesian fans: 'We'll be back.'
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