Clarence Thomas Receives Undisclosed Gifts and Benefits Through Elite Circle of Supporters
- Clarence Thomas has been a member of the Horatio Alger Association for over 30 years, gaining access to wealthy and powerful contacts as well as gifts and benefits through his involvement.
- Thomas has received lavish vacations, VIP tickets to events, connections to influential people, and even a Super Bowl ring without disclosing many of these gifts as required.
- The Horatio Alger Association aims to promote the American Dream and has awarded over $245 million in college scholarships, with Thomas mentoring many recipients.
- Thomas has faced scrutiny and calls for stricter ethics rules regarding the Supreme Court as his relationships and lack of disclosure regarding benefits have come to light.
- The Horatio Alger Association, of which Thomas is a prominent member, has also received unusual access to the Supreme Court, using it to fundraise and hold events.