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Chinese Scientist Zhang Yongzhen Allowed Back in Lab After Protest

Zhang Yongzhen, who first published the COVID-19 sequence, regains access to his lab following a sit-in protest amidst ongoing challenges and government scrutiny.

  • Zhang Yongzhen was temporarily locked out of his lab at the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center for 'safety reasons' but has now been allowed to return.
  • The scientist staged a sit-in protest after being denied entry, drawing widespread attention and support on social media.
  • Zhang's initial release of the COVID-19 sequence in January 2020 without government permission has led to years of professional setbacks and scrutiny.
  • Despite being offered alternative lab space, Zhang and his team faced issues with the new location not meeting safety standards for their research.
  • Zhang's ordeal highlights ongoing tensions between the Chinese government and scientists over the control of information related to COVID-19.
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