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China and Cambodia Conduct Annual Military Drills Amid Concerns Over Ream Naval Base

China and Cambodia Conduct Annual Military Drills Amid Concerns Over Ream Naval Base
3 articles | last updated: May 17 00:00:16

The presence of Chinese warships at the Cambodian base raises questions about potential long-term military intentions and regional security implications.

Cambodia and China have commenced their annual military exercises, known as the Golden Dragon, amid growing concerns about Beijing's expanding influence in Southeast Asia. The 15-day drills, which began on May 16, 2024, involve approximately 1,315 Cambodian military personnel and 760 Chinese troops, alongside 11 Cambodian ships and three Chinese vessels. The exercises are taking place at a military base located northwest of the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, and are designed to enhance cooperation and trust between the two nations' armed forces.

The backdrop to these exercises is the increasing presence of Chinese naval forces at Cambodia's Ream Naval Base, which has raised alarms among international observers, particularly the United States. Two Chinese warships have been docked at a newly constructed pier at the base since December 2023, leading analysts to speculate that this could signify a permanent Chinese military presence in the region. The Cambodian government, however, has consistently denied any intentions to allow foreign military bases on its territory, citing constitutional prohibitions against such deployments.

The Cambodian Defense Ministry has stated that the Chinese vessels are in the country solely for the Golden Dragon exercises and are not indicative of a permanent military installation. "We have been clear that Cambodia is not allowing any foreign forces to be deployed on its territory," a ministry spokesperson emphasized. This assertion, however, has not quelled concerns that the Ream base could serve as a strategic outpost for the Chinese navy, particularly given its location on the Gulf of Thailand, a vital maritime route.

The Golden Dragon exercises, which have been held annually since 2016, reflect the deepening military ties between Cambodia and China. This relationship has been bolstered by significant Chinese investments in Cambodia, which include military equipment and infrastructure projects. Cambodia owes over 40% of its $10 billion foreign debt to China, underscoring the economic leverage Beijing holds over Phnom Penh. The Cambodian military leadership has publicly expressed gratitude for China's support in upgrading military facilities, including the Ream Naval Base.

Analysts have pointed out that the prolonged presence of Chinese warships at Ream is unusual and may indicate a shift in the regional security landscape. Experts suggest that the exercises could be a cover for training Cambodian forces in operating larger naval vessels, potentially paving the way for future arms sales from China to Cambodia. "I wouldn’t be surprised if the Chinese are training the Cambodians at Ream on operating larger warships," one defense researcher noted.

The geopolitical implications of these developments are significant. The United States and other regional powers have expressed concern that a Chinese military foothold in Cambodia could disrupt the balance of power in Southeast Asia, particularly in the context of ongoing territorial disputes in the South China Sea. The U.S. has previously imposed an arms embargo on Cambodia, citing concerns over Chinese military influence, and has sought to strengthen ties with other Southeast Asian nations to counterbalance Beijing's growing presence.

Historically, Cambodia has navigated a complex relationship with major powers, balancing its ties with China against its historical connections to the West. The cancellation of military exercises with the U.S. in favor of closer cooperation with China marks a significant shift in Cambodia's defense posture. As the Golden Dragon exercises unfold, they serve not only as a demonstration of military collaboration but also as a signal of Cambodia's strategic alignment with China in an increasingly multipolar world.

In conclusion, the ongoing military exercises between Cambodia and China highlight the intricate dynamics of regional security and the implications of foreign influence in Southeast Asia. As both nations deepen their military cooperation, the international community watches closely, aware that the outcomes of these developments could reshape the geopolitical landscape of the region for years to come.

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