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CFPB Report: College-Sponsored Credit Cards and Deposit Accounts Carry High Fees

Students at Minority-Serving Institutions Pay Higher Fees; CFPB to Investigate Potential Violations of Consumer Protection Laws

  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) reports that college-sponsored credit cards and deposit accounts often have higher fees and less favorable terms compared to other financial products.
  • CFPB identified 143 partnerships between colleges and credit card providers, representing over 530,000 open accounts.
  • Students at historically black colleges and universities, for-profit colleges and Hispanic-serving institutions pay higher-than-average fees.
  • Financial institutions pay tens of millions of dollars every year to colleges and universities, including flat-fee marketing deals and per-signup kickbacks.
  • CFPB plans to further investigate these practices, focusing on potential violations of federal consumer financial protection laws.
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