CDU's Election Handbook Reveals Strategy for NRW 2025 Local Elections
The 171-page guide emphasizes early voter engagement, concise messaging, and creative outreach methods, including leveraging Karneval celebrations.
- The CDU in North Rhine-Westphalia has released a detailed handbook outlining its strategy for the 2025 local elections, focusing on structured and early voter engagement.
- The guide advises candidates to limit door-to-door interactions to three minutes and to target areas with high voter potential during optimal times of the day.
- Karneval celebrations are highlighted as an opportunity for informal voter outreach, encouraging participation in events like parades and Aschermittwoch gatherings.
- The handbook stresses the importance of selecting relatable candidates who embody qualities like authenticity, friendliness, and community connection.
- Social media, particularly TikTok, is emphasized as a key platform, with guidance on creating dynamic, attention-grabbing content to maximize voter reach.