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Cape Town Engulfed by Foul Stench from Cattle Ship

Residents and animal welfare groups express outrage as a ship carrying 19,000 cattle docks in Cape Town, causing a widespread and unbearable smell.

  • A ship carrying 19,000 cattle from Brazil to Iraq docked in Cape Town, releasing a foul stench that spread across the city.
  • Local officials and residents described the smell as 'nauseating' and 'unimaginable', affecting daily life and prompting an investigation.
  • The National Council of Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA) condemned the conditions on board, highlighting the suffering of the animals.
  • Several cattle were found diseased or injured, with some needing to be euthanized due to their condition.
  • The incident has reignited calls for a ban on the live export of animals by sea, citing the pain, suffering, and distress it causes.
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