Bruno Retailleau Threatens Resignation Over Algeria Policy Disputes
The French Interior Minister warns of a government exit if his hardline stance on Algerian deportations is undermined, while he campaigns for leadership of Les Républicains.
- Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau has threatened to resign if the government does not support his call for a 'riposte graduée' against Algeria for refusing to accept deported nationals.
- Retailleau has been vocal about revising or ending the 1968 France-Algeria agreements, which provide Algerians with special residency and employment rights in France.
- The minister's stance has drawn criticism from opposition parties, with the Rassemblement National accusing him of already conceding on the matter and La France Insoumise welcoming the prospect of his resignation.
- Retailleau is simultaneously navigating political challenges, including a contentious narcotrafficking bill and his candidacy for the presidency of Les Républicains, where he faces rival Laurent Wauquiez.
- Valérie Pécresse and other prominent figures have endorsed Retailleau for the party leadership, praising his loyalty and positioning him as a unifying force for the French right.