Border Patrol Agents Kill Tohono O'odham Man Who Reported Trespassers
- FBI and Tohono O'odham Nation authorities are investigating the fatal shooting of Raymond Mattia, a tribal member, by U.S. Border Patrol agents who responded to his call for help with migrants trespassing on his property.
- Mattia called Border Patrol around 10 p.m.on Thursday, May 18 to report multiple migrants in his yard in southern Arizona and was shot moments after agents arrived.
- Accounts differ on the details of the shooting but the Border Patrol claims Mattia threw an object and raised his arm abruptly while the Tohono O'odham chairman says Mattia was shot near his front door.
- The Border Patrol agents involved have been placed on administrative leave pending investigation by the FBI, Customs and Border Protection, and the Tohono O'odham Police Department.
- The shooting has outraged Mattia's family and tribal leaders who demand a full accounting of the facts surrounding his death.