Blizzard to Revive WoW Hardcore Characters Lost in DDoS Attacks
The policy shift follows recent attacks that disrupted gameplay and caused notable character losses, including in the OnlyFangs guild.
- Blizzard announced it will selectively revive World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore characters lost due to DDoS attacks, a major change to its no-revival policy.
- The decision comes after a high-profile attack caused the deaths of prominent streamer guild OnlyFangs during a raid, leading to their decision to stop raiding.
- Blizzard clarified that revivals will only apply to deaths caused by DDoS attacks and not to those from server disconnects, lag, or gameplay bugs.
- The move has divided the community, with some praising Blizzard for addressing malicious disruptions and others accusing the company of favoritism toward high-profile players.
- Concerns have been raised that the policy could inadvertently encourage more DDoS attacks by creating incentives for malicious actors.