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Bird Flu Outbreak Continues, But Severity Decreases Leading to Recovery in Poultry and Egg Prices

Government's response to outbreak costs $757 million, vaccines being developed but remain impractical

  • The persistent bird flu outbreak that began in 2022 has led to the culling of nearly 5 million birds this year, a significant decrease from the nearly 58 million birds slaughtered last year.
  • Despite the decrease, the fact that infections continue is a worrisome indication that the current virus has found a way to survive through the summers, and poultry will likely always be at risk of the disease.
  • The bird flu outbreak has had a significant impact on poultry and egg prices, but prices are recovering as the number of birds culled this year is far less than last year.
  • The response to the outbreak has cost the government $757 million so far, with most of that going to compensate farmers who have to destroy their flocks.
  • Bird flu vaccines are being developed and might help in the future, but at this point they remain impractical due to various factors including cost and potential rejection by export markets.
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