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Biden's SAVE Plan to Fast-Track Student Loan Forgiveness Starting Next Month

Eligible borrowers include those enrolled in SAVE, have made payments for 10 or more years, and originally took out $12,000 or less in student loans.

  • Biden's SAVE plan is set to provide student loan forgiveness for certain borrowers starting next month.
  • Eligible borrowers are those who are enrolled in SAVE, have made payments for 10 or more years, and originally took out $12,000 or less in student loans.
  • Borrowers who borrowed more than $12,000 can still receive student loan forgiveness, with the repayment term increasing for every additional $1,000 borrowed.
  • Borrowers not currently enrolled in SAVE but believe they're eligible for this relief are advised to sign up for the plan immediately.
  • The Biden administration's decision to fast-track this relief comes months ahead of its original plan to start in July.
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