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Biden Administration Withholds Terror Watchlist Nationalities Citing Privacy

Biden Administration Withholds Terror Watchlist Nationalities Citing Privacy
3 articles | last updated: May 16 20:35:16

Customs and Border Protection denies FOIA request for data on nationalities of watchlisted individuals arrested at the border, sparking criticism.

The Biden administration has come under scrutiny for its refusal to disclose the nationalities of individuals on the FBI's terrorist watchlist who have been apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border. This decision, made by the Department of Homeland Security, has raised concerns among lawmakers and the public regarding national security and transparency, particularly as illegal immigration continues to rise.

In a response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by a news organization, officials cited "privacy interests" as the primary reason for withholding the information. They argued that the privacy of individuals on the watchlist outweighs any public interest in knowing their nationalities. The agency emphasized that the request did not pertain to personal identifiers such as names or addresses, but rather sought to understand the origins of individuals who may pose a security threat.

The refusal to provide this data comes at a time when illegal crossings at the southern border have surged, with reports indicating that encounters with individuals on the terrorist watchlist have increased. In the current fiscal year, there have been 80 such encounters, a notable rise from previous years. Critics argue that this lack of transparency could hinder efforts to assess and address potential security risks associated with illegal immigration.

The situation has been further complicated by recent incidents involving individuals on the watchlist. For instance, a report surfaced about an illegal immigrant attempting to access a military base, raising alarms about the potential for security breaches. This incident has intensified calls for greater accountability and clarity from the administration regarding who is entering the country and under what circumstances.

Republican lawmakers have expressed outrage over the administration's stance, suggesting that prioritizing the privacy of individuals on a terrorist watchlist over the public's right to know is misguided. They argue that understanding the nationalities of these individuals is crucial for assessing the broader implications of immigration policies and ensuring the safety of American citizens.

The refusal to disclose this information also highlights a broader debate about immigration policy in the United States. Critics of the current administration's approach argue that it has led to a significant increase in illegal crossings and a perceived lack of enforcement against those who may pose a threat. Data from recent years indicates a dramatic rise in the number of individuals who have entered the country illegally, with estimates suggesting that nearly 1.6 million people crossed the border without authorization between 2021 and 2023.

As the Biden administration navigates these complex issues, the balance between national security and individual privacy remains a contentious topic. The refusal to release information about the nationalities of individuals on the terrorist watchlist underscores the challenges faced by policymakers in addressing both security concerns and the rights of individuals.

In the wake of these developments, the administration's commitment to transparency and accountability will be closely scrutinized. As the debate over immigration policy continues, the implications of these decisions will likely resonate throughout the political landscape, influencing public opinion and shaping future policy discussions.

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