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Berlin Zoo's Elephant Mary Masters Self-Showering with Hose

Researchers document unique tool use by Asian elephant Mary, who displays advanced hose manipulation skills at Berlin Zoo.

  • Mary, a 54-year-old Asian elephant at Berlin Zoo, has been observed using a hose to shower herself, showcasing remarkable tool use abilities.
  • The behavior was first noticed by researcher Lena Kaufmann, who systematically recorded Mary's interactions with different hose types.
  • Mary demonstrated a preference for a 24-millimeter hose, using it to effectively shower various parts of her body, including her back.
  • Another elephant, Anchali, occasionally disrupted Mary's showering by bending or standing on the hose, leading researchers to speculate about playful sabotage.
  • The study highlights elephants' cognitive abilities and tool use, with findings published in the journal Current Biology.
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