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Berlin Man Caught in High-Speed Street Race with Toddler in Footwell

Police stopped two drivers racing at 118 km/h in a 50 km/h zone, discovering one man had no license and his young child was unsecured in the car.

  • Two cars were caught racing at 118 km/h in a 50 km/h zone in Berlin's southeast, endangering other road users by unsafe lane changes and ignoring safety distances.
  • The drivers, aged 32 and 24, were stopped by police after being pursued through the Köpenicker Landstraße in the Niederschöneweide district.
  • The 32-year-old driver was found to be without a valid driver’s license and had his wife and two-year-old daughter in the car, neither of whom were wearing seatbelts.
  • The toddler was discovered sitting unsecured in the footwell of the vehicle, which was owned by a 55-year-old and not confiscated by authorities.
  • The younger driver’s vehicle and license were confiscated, and police have launched an investigation into the incident.
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