Bengaluru Landlord's Rs 5 Lakh Deposit Demand for Rental Flat Sparks Outrage
A tenant's social media post about a steep deposit requirement for a Bengaluru apartment highlights the city's rental market challenges.
- Harnidh Kaur shared her frustration online after being asked for a Rs 5 lakh deposit on a Rs 40,000 per month rental flat.
- The demand, equating to 12 times the monthly rent, has been criticized as excessive even by Bengaluru's high real estate standards.
- Social media users have labeled the deposit as 'insane' and 'outrageous,' sparking discussions about rental practices in the city.
- Bengaluru's rental market often requires deposits of five to ten months' rent, contrasting with other cities like Delhi.
- The incident has reignited debates over housing affordability and the ethics of rental deposit demands in metropolitan areas.