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Barge Collision Causes Oil Spill and Bridge Collapse in Galveston

Barge Collision Causes Oil Spill and Bridge Collapse in Galveston
38 articles | last updated: May 16 23:02:28

The incident has led to a partial collapse of the Pelican Island Bridge, disrupting access and prompting a major cleanup effort.

A barge collision in Galveston, Texas, on Wednesday morning has led to an oil spill and the partial collapse of the Pelican Island Causeway Bridge, the only road connecting Galveston to Pelican Island. The incident, which occurred around 10 a.m., has prompted a significant response from local, state, and federal authorities, including the U.S. Coast Guard, which is leading the cleanup and containment efforts.

The barge, owned by Martin Petroleum, was carrying approximately 966,000 gallons of vacuum gas oil when it struck a pillar supporting the bridge. Initial estimates suggest that up to 2,000 gallons of oil may have leaked into the surrounding waters. The U.S. Coast Guard has deployed booms and other containment measures to limit the spread of the spill, and aerial footage shows a sheen of oil on the water.

David Flores, a bridge superintendent with the Galveston County Navigation District, explained that the tugboat operator lost control of the barge due to strong currents and high tides. "The current was very bad, and the tide was high. He lost it," Flores said. The collision caused a section of the railway that runs alongside the bridge to collapse onto the barge, adding to the debris and complicating the cleanup efforts.

No injuries were reported, although two crew members were thrown into the water and quickly rescued. The bridge's partial collapse has left Pelican Island temporarily inaccessible to vehicular traffic, though pedestrians are allowed to cross. Texas A&M University at Galveston, located on Pelican Island, has relocated about 40 students and staff to a hotel and closed its campus through the weekend.

The Pelican Island Causeway Bridge, built in 1960, was already slated for replacement due to its deteriorating condition. The Federal Highway Administration had rated the bridge's superstructure as "Poor" in its 2023 National Bridge Inventory. The Texas Department of Transportation had planned to begin construction on a new bridge in the summer of 2025, with an estimated cost of $194 million.

The incident has drawn comparisons to a recent maritime disaster in Baltimore, where a cargo ship struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge in March, resulting in the deaths of six construction workers and the collapse of the bridge. While the Galveston collision did not result in fatalities, it has raised concerns about the vulnerability of aging infrastructure to maritime accidents.

Environmental experts are cautiously optimistic about the long-term impact of the spill. Danny Reible, a professor of environmental engineering at Texas Tech University, noted that the volume of oil on board the barge would likely disperse quickly. "This volume would be widely dispersed pretty quickly," Reible said, adding that cleanup crews are using booms and collectors to mitigate the spread of the leak.

Joseph Gordon, campaign director for Oceana, an ocean conservation nonprofit, emphasized the broader implications of such spills. "The harmful consequences of oil are once again impacting our coastal communities, wildlife, and waters," Gordon said. "Whether it's spills at platforms like the Deepwater Horizon disaster, or spills due to accidents during transport, oil and gas drilling plays a destructive role in fueling the climate crisis."

The U.S. Coast Guard and the Texas General Land Office are collaborating with other federal, state, and local officials to ensure the safety of the public and responders. "Other than safety, our top priorities include controlling the source of the pollution, containing and removing the spilled product from the water, re-establishing commerce, and protecting the Natural Resources of Texas," said Dawn Buckingham, Commissioner of the Texas General Land Office.

As the investigation into the cause of the collision continues, the focus remains on mitigating the environmental impact and restoring access to Pelican Island. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the challenges posed by aging infrastructure and the importance of maintaining and upgrading critical transportation links.

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