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Australia's Budget in Better Shape than Anticipated, Deficit Forecast at 0% of GDP

Improvement extends into fiscal 2025, with government planning to spend billions on housing, critical minerals projects, and clean energy.

  • Australia's budget update shows the government's books are in better shape than anticipated due to persistent strength in commodity prices and a tight labor market.
  • The deficit is forecast at A$1.1 billion ($722 million) in the 12 months through June 2024, or 0% of GDP, a significant improvement from the May budget's estimated A$13.9 billion shortfall.
  • The improvement extends into fiscal 2025 with the shortfall seen at A$18.8 billion, or 0.7% of GDP, almost half the May forecast.
  • The government's forecasts show headline inflation will slow to 2.75% by mid-2025, a more optimistic assessment than the RBA's estimates released last month that had CPI only easing to the top of its 2-3% target by the end of 2025.
  • The government will spend A$5 billion to improve housing supply and affordability and A$3 billion toward critical minerals projects and clean energy; it also earmarked A$6.8 billion for current infrastructure projects.
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