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Attack on Refugee Shelter in Stahnsdorf Sparks Investigation into Suspected Right-Wing Violence

Three suspects are under investigation for allegedly assaulting a security guard and attempting to break into a refugee accommodation near Berlin.

  • A group of six to seven men reportedly attacked a refugee shelter in Stahnsdorf, Brandenburg, on the night of March 8, injuring a security guard who required hospitalization.
  • Witnesses and residents allege the attackers shouted Nazi slogans, including 'Heil Hitler,' and attempted to force entry into the building using tools like a glass cutter.
  • The suspects also caused property damage, breaking windows and attempting to steal bicycles belonging to residents of the shelter.
  • Three individuals were arrested near the scene, and police reportedly found a knife on one of the suspects; investigations are ongoing into charges of dangerous bodily harm.
  • Local officials, including Stahnsdorf's mayor, have condemned the attack, linking it to a broader pattern of right-wing violence in the region, including recent incidents targeting other facilities.
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