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Asteroid 2024 YR4's Risk of Earth Impact in 2032 Drops to Near Zero

New observations by global telescopes have nearly eliminated the chance of the asteroid colliding with Earth, offering relief after initial high probabilities.

  • Asteroid 2024 YR4, estimated to be 40-90 meters in diameter, was initially thought to have a 3% chance of impacting Earth in December 2032.
  • Recent calculations by NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) have reduced the asteroid's impact probability to close to 0%, with ESA reporting a likelihood of 0.001%.
  • The asteroid briefly held the highest recorded impact probability for a sizable asteroid before new data from global telescopes refined its trajectory.
  • Astronomers will continue studying YR4 using tools like NASA's James Webb Space Telescope in March to better understand its characteristics and inform planetary defense strategies.
  • The asteroid's discovery highlights the importance of global monitoring and early detection systems to mitigate potential asteroid threats in the future.
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