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Animal Rights Activists Rescue Starving Piglets from Controversial Danish Art Exhibit

Artist Marco Evaristti intended to highlight cruelty in industrial pig farming by starving piglets, but the exhibit was disrupted by a secret rescue operation.

  • Three piglets were taken from Marco Evaristti's Copenhagen art exhibit, where they were being intentionally starved to raise awareness about industrial pig farming practices.
  • The rescue was carried out by animal rights activists, with assistance from Evaristti's collaborator Caspar Steffensen, who was moved by his daughter's pleas to save the animals.
  • Evaristti initially reported the piglets as stolen but later expressed relief that they would now live a better life under the care of activists.
  • The exhibit, titled 'And Now You Care,' aimed to provoke outrage over Denmark's pork industry, where high piglet mortality rates are linked to intensive breeding practices.
  • Evaristti plans to continue his project by showcasing dead piglets from processing plants or auctioning live piglets to ensure their safety.
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