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Android 15 Update Anticipated for Release Later This Year

Developer preview expected as early as February 15, introducing new features and improvements.

  • Google is set to release Android 15, the next major update for Android smartphones, later this year, with a developer preview expected as early as February 15.
  • Android 15 will introduce new features and improvements, including a split NFC from system updates, a battery health percentage feature, and a hidden space called Private Space for sensitive apps.
  • The first devices to receive Android 15 are expected to be Google's Pixel 9, followed by other Pixel models, select Samsung, OnePlus, Motorola, and TCL smartphones.
  • Rumors suggest Android 15 will not be publicly available before August or October 2024, following Google's pattern of releasing major updates after its hardware events.
  • Android 15's developer preview, codenamed Vanilla Ice Cream, is primarily for developers due to potential bugs and incomplete features, with public beta builds to follow in the coming months.
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