Andrew Cuomo to Testify Before Congress on COVID-19 Nursing Home Policies
Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo will discuss his administration's controversial handling of COVID-19 in nursing homes before a House subcommittee on June 11.
- Cuomo's testimony follows a subpoena issued last month, marking a significant development in the ongoing scrutiny of his pandemic policies.
- The 2020 policy required nursing homes to accept COVID-19 positive patients, which has been linked to increased deaths in these facilities.
- Investigations have revealed that Cuomo’s administration may have undercounted COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes by up to 50%.
- Cuomo defends the policy, citing adherence to federal guidelines at the time, but faces criticism for the alleged mismanagement.
- The testimony will be transcribed and takes place amid continued investigations into Cuomo's handling of the crisis.