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Ancient Martian Crystal Reveals Early Hot Springs and Potential for Life

A zircon crystal from the Martian meteorite 'Black Beauty' provides the oldest evidence of water and hydrothermal activity on Mars, offering insights into the planet's early habitability.

  • The zircon crystal, dated to 4.45 billion years ago, was found in the Martian meteorite NWA7034, also known as 'Black Beauty.'
  • Geochemical analysis revealed the presence of elements such as iron, aluminum, and sodium, indicating ancient hydrothermal systems on Mars.
  • The discovery suggests that Mars had hot springs during the Pre-Noachian period, similar to environments on Earth where life is thought to have originated.
  • The study provides new insights into the early presence of water on Mars, predating the previously known Noachian wet era by hundreds of millions of years.
  • Researchers believe these hydrothermal systems could have supported conditions suitable for life, advancing understanding of Mars' early habitability.
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