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AMU Approves Holi Celebrations at Designated Venue Following Debate

Aligarh Muslim University permits Holi festivities at the Non-Resident Students' Centre on March 13-14 after facing pressure and addressing safety concerns.

  • The AMU administration has allowed Holi celebrations at the Non-Resident Students' Centre (NRSC) on March 13 and 14, marking the first time the festival will be celebrated in this manner on campus.
  • The decision follows student leader Akhil Kaushal's application for a 'Holi Milan' event and subsequent protests from right-wing groups and local BJP MP Satish Gautam, who supported Hindu students' right to celebrate.
  • AMU officials initially denied the request, citing concerns over setting new precedents and potential misuse, but emphasized that festivals like Holi, Eid, and Diwali are traditionally celebrated across the campus without formal permissions.
  • Last year's Holi celebrations led to a clash between student groups, prompting the administration to adopt a cautious approach to avoid similar incidents this year.
  • Congress leaders criticized the BJP for allegedly politicizing the issue, while AMU reiterated its commitment to celebrating all festivals in the spirit of communal harmony.
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