Amina Noor Sentenced to Seven Years for FGM on British Child in Kenya
In a landmark case, Amina Noor becomes the first person convicted for taking a child abroad for female genital mutilation, marking a significant legal milestone in the UK.
- Amina Noor, 40, from Harrow, London, was sentenced to seven years in prison for taking a three-year-old British girl to Kenya to undergo female genital mutilation (FGM) in 2006.
- This is the first successful prosecution in the UK for assisting a non-UK person to perform FGM abroad, highlighting a major legal precedent.
- The victim, now 21, revealed the crime years later to her English teacher, leading to Noor's conviction.
- The court heard how Noor was pressured by her community to carry out the procedure, which is prevalent among females of Somali origin living in Kenya.
- The sentencing aims to deter future FGM cases and encourage victims to come forward, with the UK police hoping it will remove the 'cloak of secrecy' surrounding the crime.