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Alex Jones Not Protected by Bankruptcy to Avoid Paying $1B to Sandy Hook Families, Judge Rules

Federal Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez rules Jones is not shielded from the billion-dollar damages despite his Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, and the Infowars host must continue to be accountable for his actions in spreading false conspiracy theories about the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre.

  • Judge Christopher Lopez has ruled that Alex Jones is not protected by bankruptcy and is still responsible for damages due to his spreading of false conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook massacre.
  • Despite his Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, Jones must continue to be liable for the claims against him, which include damages exceeding $1 billion awarded to families of the children killed in the shooting.
  • Jones was convicted in civil court for repeatedly calling the deadly attack a hoax and spreading other lies related to it on his Infowars online news program, leading to the massive damages.
  • Jones had been attempting to shield himself from these payments under Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, which the victims' families contested, arguing that he was trying to avoid payment.
  • Jones filed for personal bankruptcy in December after a judge ordered him to pay a total of $1.44 billion to his victims; the largest single judgment was $120 million.
  • Jones continues to assert that the ruling will have little impact on him, claiming to be more than $1 million in personal debt and lacking the funds to pay the Sandy Hook families.
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