Aldi Eliminates Plastic Shopping Bags Across All U.S. Stores
The move is part of the company's environmental initiative, which also includes a plan to use natural refrigerants in all U.S. stores by 2035.
- Aldi, the discount grocery retailer, has eliminated plastic shopping bags from all of its 2,300 U.S. stores.
- The move is expected to reduce the amount of plastic in circulation (and in landfills) by more than 4,400 tons per year.
- As part of its environmental initiative, Aldi also plans to use natural refrigerants in all U.S. stores by 2035, which will significantly reduce carbon emissions.
- Over 600 Aldi stores have already made the switch to natural refrigerants.
- Shoppers will still be able to purchase reusable cloth bags in stores, and the company will sell paper bags to those who forget to bring their own reusable bag.