Alabama Governor Ousts Education Director Over Teacher Training Book
- Alabama Governor Kay Ivey replaced her director of early childhood education over the use of a teacher training book that she denounced as teaching "woke concepts"
- Barbara Cooper was forced out as head of the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education after Ivey expressed concern over the distribution of the book to state-run pre-kindergartens.
- The book in question is the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Developmentally Appropriate Practice Book, 4th edition.
- Ivey's office cited two examples from the book discussing white privilege and LGBTQ+ inclusion, but the book is a guide for early childhood educators and not a curriculum taught to children.
- NAEYC is a national accrediting board that provides high-quality education materials and resources for young children, and the book is a research-based resource for educators.