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Aid Organizations Warn of Severe Gaps in Germany's Disaster Preparedness

Leading aid groups urge legislative reforms, better volunteer support, and improved crisis management to address critical shortcomings in disaster response.

  • Major aid organizations, including the German Red Cross and Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, highlight deficiencies in Germany's disaster response system, citing inadequate infrastructure and resources.
  • A joint statement calls for reforms to the Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance Act and standardized national regulations for volunteer support.
  • Proposals include improved financial support, social security, and compensation for volunteers, aligning their benefits with those of the Technical Relief Agency and volunteer firefighters.
  • Aid groups stress the need for unified crisis management, joint training, and regular exercises across federal and state levels to enhance coordination.
  • Public education on self-protection measures and transparent communication of risks are emphasized to strengthen resilience and motivate preparedness.
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