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A.I. Enhances Beer Flavor: Belgian Researchers' Breakthrough

Utilizing machine learning, scientists in Belgium have developed a model that predicts and improves beer taste, marking a significant advancement in brewing technology.

  • Belgian researchers have created a machine learning model capable of predicting and enhancing the flavor of beer, based on its chemical composition.
  • The model was developed by analyzing over 250 commercial Belgian beers and gathering feedback from both trained tasters and over 180,000 online reviews.
  • Experiments with adding chemical compounds to commercial beers, as recommended by the A.I., showed a significant improvement in taste according to a panel of trained tasters.
  • The research suggests potential for improving non-alcoholic beers and tailoring beers to specific consumer preferences.
  • Scientists emphasize that the A.I. serves as a tool for brewers to refine recipes and achieve desired flavors, not as a replacement for human expertise.
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