Adidas and DFB Halt Sales of German Jerseys with Number 44 Over Nazi Symbolism
The move comes after social media users and a historian highlighted the resemblance to the SS's lightning bolt insignia, prompting a redesign of the number 4.
- German football fans are barred from customizing national team jerseys with the number 44 due to its resemblance to the Nazi SS symbol.
- Adidas and the German Football Association (DFB) have halted sales and personalization of jerseys with the number 44, and are working on redesigning the number 4.
- The controversy arose after social media users and a historian highlighted the similarity between the stylized number 44 and the SS's lightning bolt insignia.
- The SS was a major Nazi paramilitary organization, and its symbols are banned in Germany.
- The German national team's jerseys are set to be worn at the 2024 UEFA European Championship hosted by Germany this summer.