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36 Million Comcast Xfinity Customers Affected by Data Breach

Breach due to 'CitrixBleed' vulnerability in Citrix devices, stolen data includes usernames, hashed passwords, and potentially more sensitive information.

  • Comcast's Xfinity service suffered a data breach affecting up to 36 million customers due to a vulnerability known as 'CitrixBleed' in Citrix networking devices.
  • The breach occurred between October 16 and 19, but was only detected by Comcast a week later.
  • Stolen data includes usernames and hashed passwords, and potentially more sensitive data such as names, dates of birth, contact information, secret questions and answers, and the last four digits of Social Security numbers.
  • Comcast has not specified how many customers are affected by the theft of this more sensitive data.
  • Comcast is not currently aware of the stolen data being leaked or used for malicious purposes.
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