28% of Americans Identify as Religious 'Nones'
Most Still Believe in a Higher Power, Not Necessarily the God of the Bible
- 28% of Americans identify as religious 'nones', a group comprising atheists, agnostics, and those who believe in 'nothing in particular'.
- 63% of 'nones' fall into the 'nothing in particular' category, with 20% identifying as agnostic and 17% as atheist.
- Most 'nones' still believe in a higher power or spiritual force, but not necessarily the God described in the Bible.
- 'Nones' are diverse in terms of age, race, political leaning, and education level, and are not uniformly anti-religious.
- Religious 'nones' are more likely to vote Democrat over Republican, and are less likely to be civically engaged compared to religious people.