2024 Confirmed as Warmest Year on Record, Surpassing 1.5°C Threshold
The WMO's latest report highlights irreversible climate impacts but emphasizes that limiting warming to 1.5°C remains achievable with urgent global action.
- Global average temperature in 2024 was 1.55°C above pre-industrial levels, exceeding the critical 1.5°C threshold for the first time.
- Atmospheric CO2 concentrations reached 420 ppm in 2024, the highest level in 800,000 years, driving long-term warming trends.
- Sea level rise has accelerated to 4.7 mm per year, with 2024 seeing an unprecedented annual increase of 5.9 mm, largely due to ocean heat expansion.
- Antarctic ice extent and global glacier mass reached record lows over the past three years, with impacts deemed irreversible over centuries or millennia.
- Extreme weather events in 2024 displaced more people than any year since 2008, exacerbating food crises and causing significant economic losses.